Location: Järna, Sodermanland, Sweden Venue type: Conference venue Profile: NatureWe are often told, by guests visiting Bommersvik, that it is a home away from home. A home, to me, is synonymous with feeling safe, relaxation and being yourself. Over time, those emotions have become the true essence of Bommersvik – that is why visiting Bommersvik feels like coming home.
This is a place ideal for reflection and grand thoughts, so regardless of the purpose for your stay we ensure that you will leave with a sense of zen, and with more grand and innovative ideas.
During summer and school holidays a lot of families choose to stay with us in order to enjoy the vast and majestic nature, the diversity of activities and our well renowned cuisine. We also highly recommend our guests, especially during summertime, to take the opportunity to experience the spectacular sunsets over the lake Yngern.
Most of the year, Bommersvik is a place for parley for our conference guests. Activities such as discussion, reflection and development occur during one or several days of conferencing.
But there is more to Bommersvik than meets the eye, it is a place where ideas, dreams and expectations have both emerged and fulfilled. This is where interaction leads to change, not only in Sweden, but also on a global scale. It has been the scene for discussion between prime ministers and engaged youths regarding ideology and future reforms. Here, in a peaceful and inspiring environment, political titans such as Olof Palme, Anna Lindh and Margot Wallström invited presidents and world leaders to engage in parley. This is a legacy we proudly value.
Now, more than ever, venues where people can engage in trustworthy interactions in a safe and casual environment, are more essential.
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